Saturday, January 19, 2008

Aquarium Snow Day

This morning we visited the outstanding Georgia Aquarium, in the company of Gaines' parents. We picked the right day, because the reports of a winter storm kept away many visitors, and we basically had the place to ourselves for the first hour or so. It was amazing! We could've spent the whole day there, but it began filling up about lunchtime and Jacob was getting sleepy...he was so excited he missed his morning nap. He kept *almost* falling asleep in the stroller and then waking up as soon as he saw some new creature swim by. I think we (the adults) enjoyed it even more because of his reactions, especially in the underwater tunnel. Less people was a plus, because we were able to linger and watch and take tons of pictures. While we were touring the Cold Water Quest exhibit, appropriately, we noticed through the windows that it had begun snowing! The sea lions seemed to enjoy a taste of their natural habitat. Too bad the penquins were under a roof. Jacob certainly liked his first taste (literally) of snowflakes!

The afternoon has been spent digesting yummy bar-b-que, napping, enjoying hot chocolate and coffee, staying warm inside, and settling in for a supper of chili and cornbread. We might peek out before dark for a snowfall update and a few more pictures. Yay for snow days!

(I spent way too much time this morning trying to figure out how to take good aquarium pics adjusting the ISO and aperture settings, so if anyone has any aquarium photo tips, please let me know. All that effort and sheer volume of photo-taking eventually paid off, though, and I got a few good shots.)

Here is a recap of our morning in pictures:

Happy Birthday, Grandmama Susanne!

Blue Jacob and the Fish

Teenage Mutant Ninja Sea Turtle

Watch out -- you don't want to end up like Steve Irwin...

Wow! A very large whale shark is swimming up there!

Lunch! (Or, I'm Tired)

Snow Falling on Aquarium Cedars

Amazing Jellyfish

This Snow Stuff is Pretty Cool


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