Friday, October 02, 2009

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Oh, wait. It already did. Darn it, I was looking forward to a nap.

So, it's October. How did that happen?

In the back of my head, I've had this goal to post once a day in October, to get myself psyched up to blog again. I actually have at least a dozen posts saved as drafts that I might or might not ever get around to putting up here. So, I'm going to be real with you -- I haven't even started this little project of mine and I'm already late. C'est la vie. At least if I post every day you will get little snippets of our lives and not the crazy-long ramblings I attempted in September. You don't ever want to see those, trust me.

In recent news, Jacob has a new interest in photography. He won't let me take a picture of him without giving him a turn. Here's a photo he took of me last week. Pretty good for a 2 year old, eh?

(And yes, that is what our apt looks like on most days, sadly. See that big sheet of paper in the background? A sign for our complex advertising one of our events. I make one at least every other week.)

I will spare you presently from all Jacob's random shots of his room, his brother's arm, my feet, and his toys, though I might start uploading some of them to an album on our new Team Redd Shutterfly Photo Site. (Pass it on! I will update it soon, I promise!)

Here's something I've been wanting to share for a while:

A new season = a new haircut for Jacob! (Well, technically, I cut his hair at the beginning of September so at this point he's almost ready for another one. We did have some marginal success of trimming his hair in the bathtub, but I think I'd prefer to do it outside if I had that option. Less messy.

Before, in August:

After, the first week of September:


Yes, our firstborn is growing up.

Look forward to more hilarity and updates coming soon. Although I will treat this the same way I do my Bible reading -- if I miss a day, I'm not going to feel all guilt and backtrack and try to catch up. God's mercies are new every morning and that includes laundry, Bible reading plans and updating my blog. I'll just keep plugging along and you hang on for the ride, okay?


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