Monday, December 04, 2006


Yesterday was the first Sunday of Advent. Although I've spent most of my life in churches that observe the season, only in recent years have I begun to appreciate what Advent is supposed to be. It's not just a countdown to Christmas; rather, it's a vital part of the larger drama of God and His people, re-told each year through the liturgical calendar. As Christmas "celebrations" become more crassly commercialized each year, I look to Advent as a much-needed antidote, for it is a season of expectation and longing for the deliverance that will be realized only in the coming of the Lord. Also, Advent reminds me that Christ's Church extends far beyond just me, as this season has been observed by countless numbers throughout history and across the world. Advent, as part of the Church Year, helps keep things in perspective.

But, rather than re-hash what others have already said well, here are links to a few folks offering thoughts on the Advent season:

Jeff Meyers has a couple of explanatory posts on the season, especially helpful for the liturgically-challenged, here and here;

Touchstone has a piece on the importance of celebrating the darker side of Christmas. (H/T Smilax);

Ben Witherington encourages us to redeem the time, noting how Christians have lost sight of the significance of Advent as the start of the liturgical year; and

Finally, the Boars Head Tavern Advent Blog is open once again, and looks to be a great source of reflections and resources for the season.

(BTW: The cool Advent wreath above was Allison's doing.)

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