Tuesday, July 06, 2004

We hold these truths...

When not making desserts for a Pool Party and our church's Patriotic Potluck, I spent my Fourth of July weekend reading slave narratives and stories of Mexican migrant workers (see booklist to the left).

One of the more touching moments from my reading appeared in Fransisco Jiminez's autobiographical collection of short stories called The Circuit. The book ended as the main character, a young illegal immigrant, a migrant worker, finally stays in a school long enough to learn something. His latest assignment-- memorize the Declaration of Independence. Just as class begins and he prepares to recite, La Migra, the immigration officers, arrive to arrest him, along with his older brother. He never gets a chance to speak.

Thankfully, the author continues the story in the sequel, Breaking Through, and we discover that he, his brother, and his mother are able to apply for Visas to re-enter the United States. But for many other Mexican immigrants, the story does not have a happy ending.

That is why I find it quite timely that Razormouth has a new article discussing immigration -- one with which I wholeheartedly agree. Check it out.

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