Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Pizza, Pizzza!

Papa John's pizza is awesome. And good to us.

"We love piz-za! Because they're good to us..." (OK, so that's the wrong song, I know, but it's SO catchy...)

Anyway, we'd been trying to set up a deal with a local Papa John's that would benefit our residents. Some of the Atlanta stores have a new program for apartment communities where one night a month is "Pizza Night" when they will offer special deals just for people who live in our complex. I went by about a month ago and left my number with a manager who said I needed to speak with "Allison," another manager for this particular store. I hadn't heard anything from her yet, and planned on visiting them this week to see what was up. Well, last night Gaines and I called to order a pizza, and lo and behold, who should answer the phone but the very Allison with whom I needed to speak. Yay, Providence!

It turns out they throw away a lot of things (imagine that), and she had lost my number. So, she got my contact info again and we set up the program right away. Then we proceeded to order our pizza. She gave us a super deal and even sent me a note with our delivery! How's that for personal service?!

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