Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Confessions of a Recovering Bibliophile

I finally finished reading The Potter's Freedom. I never could make it through Geisler's Chosen But Free, so although I can't describe how deftly White destroys Norm's arguments, I can say that he holds nothing back-- laying out the major tenets of the doctrines of grace succinctly and efficiently. However, his thorough writing style began to grate on me the last few chapters. I was like, "We know already! Get on with it!" Maybe I've just been in a theology funk. Or maybe I'm just tired of reading stuff with lots of block quotes. Either way, I'm gladly moving on to fiction.

I have a battered, yellowed paperback copy of Thomas Hardy's Return of the Native that I inheirited from my high school AP English teacher when she retired. It's been that long since I've read it (at least 6 years) so I think it's time for a reintroduction to Egdon Heath. I noticed last night that the edition is exactly 40 years old, and since the pages are all falling out, it's probably time for a new copy-- but not before this one gets another good read.

Of course, I'm still making my way through my stack of non-fiction-- McArthur and Wright and Dillard -- I just need some variety every now and then. That Mc Arthur book hasn't seen daylight in weeks, though. Maybe I'll pick it back up tonight, since I'm indulging in Hardy during lunch. Yay!

One of my secret indulgences is to find AP Reading lists and then check off how many I've read-- to see what's left. Of course, it always makes me want to visit Barnes and Noble, for some mysterious reason. There are too many good books in the world!

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