Jacob fell asleep before 6 p.m. on All Hallows' Eve, due to a fun visit with his Aunt Amy and Uncle Mike, so we stayed in from the trick-or-treating.
Ethan DID manage to partake of some costume fun:

And enjoyed some GT football with his dad:

The costume didn't have legs, so he was soon extricated:

And then proceeded to try to eat the pumpkin that Nana and Papa had brought us:

Failing at that, he did manage to remove the stem!

Then, the day after, since it was such a beautiful fall afternoon on All Saints' Day, we carved the pumpkin.

Only one day late, right? I wonder what the neighbors thought: had Daylight Savings Time gotten us REALLY confused?
At least Jacob didn't seem to notice the discrepancy.

We removed the yucky insides.

As Jacob would say, "I smell something."

Daddy helped carve the face that Mommy and Jacob drew.

Jacob was very proud to use his "scooper" all by himself.

At least Jacob got to wear his $1.72 Old Navy 2009 celebratory shirt. I bought it BEFORE Halloween. Really, I did!
Ethan watched safely from inside, free from pumpkin innards and sharp knives.

The closest Jacob got to wearing a costume:

Jacob pointing at the gorgeous full moon:

Apparently, full moons make Daddy go crazy...

Enjoying our belated holiday family fun!

We even roasted the pumpkin seeds using this Martha sweet 'n spicy recipe. Not too shabby, but I think next time I would use more cinnamon and less cumin.
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