Monday, January 07, 2008

Bike Ride

Yesterday, I officially became a co-leader of our church circle. It was a bit surreal, having only been a member of the church less than a year. As I stood in front of all these wonderful women who I am really just know getting to know, I realized how blessed we are to have found such a loving, supportive church family only 10 minutes from our apartment. These ladies remind me very much of the faithful Titus 2 women in my hometown church.

There were other things about the luncheon that sparked memories from my past: the speaker brought up one of those Chicken Soup parables I hadn't thought about in years: the Bike Ride. It has made the e-mail rounds many times, and you're probably familiar with it, as I was.

Yesterday, however, I was struck by a different perspective. Ten or so years ago, as a teenager, I thought my life with God in the lead would be something quite different that the life I am living now. I thought I'd be an overseas missionary or a marine biologist or something else adventurous and risky. (Which perhaps shows that I was really just being a backseat driver.)

I realized that every day of my life as a parent I am taking part in the grandest adventure of them all. It sounds cliche, but it is so very true. In sickness and in health, from bumped heads to ear infections to trips and falls, through growth spurts and growth plateaus, poopy diapers and potty training, through teething and nursing and night terrors, every day brings some new opportunity for grace. All I can do as each new challenge appears is to remember that Christ is in control and it is my responsibility to hold on and just "Pedal!"

And then -- it was the pedalling part that got me. I'd never actually thought about that aspect of the metaphor before. Pedalling takes work! Pedalling can be difficult, especially up a hill with someone else on the bike! It reminded me that in this life I can't be passive-- I must be faithful. Faithful to love and to learn, to read the Word and pray daily, to honor my parents, love my child, and show my husband the respect he deserves. It isn't all coasting down hills -- though sometimes, there are those moments, too. And sometimes, pedalling can be monotonous -- pushing the pedals around and around, over and over again, travelling miles on a highway where every fence post and sign looks the same. Some days with a young infant can feel like that. But it's okay, because one day, he won't need me to do all these things anymore and I'll probably be a bit sad. For now, I'm just going to keep pedalling and enjoy the view.


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