Sunday, April 06, 2008

eBay Updates and Other Team Redd News

I'm taking a cue from my friend Mary and making a bulleted list. We've been busy.

  • eBay: This evening I finally got back to listing our old CD's on eBay. We are hoping to move into a new apartment this summer, and so I would really like to clear out the two large boxes of old CD's before we move. I do NOT want to pack them up and take them with us!

    Does anyone remember the duo Wilshire? Or Chasing Furies? Along with some other CCM classics, those are up for grabs. Be sure to check out our eBay page. I am pulling out some old-school CD's here folks. Please don't judge me.

  • Jury Duty: I was not chosen for jury duty last Monday, and that is just fine with me. Basically, I got a morning off! I went in like last time, waited around (though a little longer this time...until 12:30 p.m.), read some chapters of Dutch, chatted with my neighbors about Miss Guided and the way they choose who serves, especially in a county as diverse as ours.

    Apparently, all the attorneys skipped right over me, but it was a light day anyway since it was the end of the month and the end of the calendar. One man out of the three sitting near me was chosen, but the rest got to leave before me. I'm not sure why I was kept waiting, but eventually they told those of us left to go home. Even though the chairs were uncomfortable, the video at least kept me awake, and I picked up Willy's burritos for lunch. Eating out and uninterrupted reading time? It was like a mini-vacation!

  • On the tube: I'm taping Part 2 of Masterpiece Theater's Sense and Sensibility tonight. I highly enjoyed Part 1, except for the overly sexualized opening scene that I thought was just unnecessary, though I know will be important for the second half of the book. Anyone else watching? I hope to post a complete review soon...

    I'm also looking forward to the Masterpiece adaption of A Room with a View next Sunday, which is a favorite book by one of my favorite British authors, E.M. Forster. (He's behind Miss Austen, of course. And Tolkien.)

    I have to tape the above because Gaines and I both want to see the new (to us) episodes of Psych and Monk that are airing on NBC, also tonight! We don't have USA on our basic cable, so we've only been able to catch these on DVD in the past, so this is a welcome treat!

    Also, we are glad that Thursday night NBC shows are back with new episodes. Comedy Done Right, we've missed you! In honor of this, we watched the first season of The Office again over the weekend. I've forgotten how very painful it is right from the beginning, but I still love it. Doug Wilson's take on The Office as a morality play is a thought-provoking look at an otherwise silly show.

  • Health and Home: Team Redd has been suffering through various incarnations of colds and allergies and sinus infections over the past month or so, and it feels like the torrential rains this weekend cleared up the pollen a bit. We'll see how long it lasts. I hope we're all getting better. (Poor little snotty Jacob who wakes up from naps in a puddle of nose goo.) I really love all the trees in our complex until pollen season hits, which turns my car and everything else a bright yellow and makes me sneezy.

    As it IS spring, and I feel like our apartment desperately needs some large doses of spring cleaning, I am trying to do an hour a day, one area a week, using these helpful printouts and cleaning tips from The Motherload. I'm ashamed to post before pictures, but perhaps I'll get some after shots.

    But that routine begins after I take Jacob to the doctor tomorrow for a follow-up appointment on his previous "failure to thrive" diagnosis (we just think he's a skinny kid, like I was. And his dad. And his grandfather Buddy.) I'll let you know tomorrow if we've fattened him up enough this month. :) Avacados, sweet potatoes, whole your best!

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